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Natalie Speakman

This month, I’m celebrating a milestone that blows my mind - it's now been 4 years since I have had any ice cream, cookies, cakies, pies, candies, or other sugary junk. If you’d told me four years ago that I’d be here sharing this with you, I’d have laughed, probably while inhaling a bowl of ice cream

Back then, sugar owned me.

I was stuck in a relentless cycle, devouring sweets and carbs in nightly binges that left me feeling bloated, ashamed, and powerless.

It wasn’t just a habit, it was a full-blown addiction that had started when I quit smoking a pack of cigarettes a day in 2001 (which also incidentally was 23 years ago this month)


The highs I felt from sugar were undeniable.. there were times I’d be in my room alone watching netflix or chatting to a friend while laughing, even cackling, feeling completely out of character as the sugar coursed through my veins. My heart would literally be racing in my chest

But what goes up must come down.

The crash wasn’t just physical.

Sure, I felt sluggish, heavy, and sick to my stomach

But worse than that was the emotional hangover—the shame, the self-loathing, the regret that wouldn’t even wait for morning.

It draped over me like a cloak, smothering any sense of self-respect I had left.

I’d tell myself never again

I’d toss the remaining sweets in the trash, even take the bin outside just so I wouldn’t be tempted to dig through it later - because I didn’t trust myself enough not to.

But the mornings, oh, those mornings.. they always started with such desperation; a renewed sense of THIS IS DAY 1.

I’d be resolute, determined.

But as the day dragged on, that determination would slowly slip through my fingers

By mid-afternoon, the cravings would creep back in, whispering sweet nothings, luring me into yet another plan to get my sugar fix.

And once the decision was made- once I gave myself that little permission to binge later on- it was like a weight lifted.

The anticipation of the high eased the obsession.

The rest of the day was spent in limbo, shame mixed with excitement, knowing that relief was just hours away.

I knew it was insane, and yet I couldn’t stop.

Every time I promised myself it was the last time, and every time, I’d find myself back at the store, buying my sugary drugs like clockwork

But then something changed.

One day, after what felt like endless failed attempts, I started praying.

Every morning, I’d ask higher power for the willingness to stop, to let go of this addiction

At first, nothing happened.

Days came and went, and I was still stuck in the same old patterns.

But then, out of nowhere, one morning, I woke up feeling... different

It was like a tiny crack of light had appeared in the wall of my obsession; a small sense of peace that hadn’t been there before.

And that was enough.

That day, I decided to do a detox cleanse—a mix of herbs and juices.

The first day felt like climbing Mount Everest, but I made it 

And then I made it through Day 2, and Day 3, and soon, I was on the other side.

My body reset. My mind cleared.

I finished the cleanse, and I started eating whole foods—no sugar, no sweeteners, no junk.

After awhile it finally felt like food had fallen into its rightful place: necessary, appreciated, but not obsessed over or looked forward to excessively.

I remember when I finally stepped on a scale, months later, out of curiosity, and saw I weighed 55 kg (121 lbs). I was stunned- I thought the weight I hadn't seen since high school would never have returned again.

Important to note here is the fact that it wasn’t even about the weight! That was a side effect but not the main motivation.

More importantly, I felt free in a way I hadn’t in years.

My body wasn’t weighed down by cravings, and my mind wasn’t trapped in constant obsession.

But the journey wasn’t over.

Even after quitting sugar, after about a year I found myself slipping with carbs.

I made tiny concessions, and slowly, over time, I let some carb foods back in that eventually became emotional crutches again.

With them came the old familiar cycle I thought I had left behind: cravings, obsession, binge, guilt

I may have been sugar-free, but I wasn’t truly free.

Some weight crept back in along with the old emotions and thought patterns.

But here’s what I’ve learned: Recovery isn’t always a straight line. It can be- yet that's not my story.

Recovery can be up and down (hmm.. somewhat like life), filled with false starts and unexpected victories.

The most important thing is that I have NEVER GIVEN UP


And today, I am here again now, fully committed—not just to being sugar-free, but to staying off the other junk foods that threatened my recovery.

I’ve recommitted to my journey, and I’m ready to help others do the same

This is why I'm excited to annouce that I’m opening up 3 exclusive spots in my 1:1 sugar addiction recovery coaching program

I know what it’s like to feel powerless, to battle the shame and guilt day after day.

I also know what it feels like to be free—to wake up without the weight of cravings, without the endless obsession over food.

Imagine this:

 Freedom from cravings that dominate your thoughts and your days.

 Feeling light and at peace in your body, no longer weighed down by guilt, or the physcial effects of sugar.

 Showing up fully for yourself, your loved ones, and your life without the cloud of obsession hanging over you.

 Embracing a sense of mindful presence and deep connection, fully engaged in each moment without the distractions of dependency.

I will tell you that this program is not for everyone.

It will demand your commitment of time, energy, and investment.

It won’t be easy, but it will be profoundly rewarding, and you won’t be alone

If you’re ready to break free from sugar addiction, then this is for you

In my bespoke program, you’ll get:

 Personalized, 1-on-1 coaching from someone who’s walked this path and helped others create a sugar free life

 Guidance to clear sugar from your system

 Mindset support to break the addictive thought patterns that have kept you stuck

 Somatic and emotional practices to help you heal

 Accountability, commitment to you, and support every step of the way

 Valuable resources to aid you in your sugar free journey

 This is your moment

How much longer are you willing to live in the hell of sugar addiction?

If nothing changes, nothing changes.

If you’re ready to take the first step, message me or comment below to apply for one of the 3 spots

It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.

Let’s climb this mountain together

If I can do it, you can too.

Love to you all


© 2023 by Natalie Speakman

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